
Starting a Small Jewelry Business with the help of a Refugee Financing Program

MR. JUAN CAMILO ECHEVERRY | Client of MicroVest portfolio company, Microserfin

Originally from Norte del Valle, Colombia, Mr. Echeverry was forced to leave his home country due to regional violence and settled as a refugee with his family in Panama. Prior to resettlement, Mr. Echeverry had dreams of owning and operating a business selling personalized, handmade jewelry.

Once in Panama, Mr. Echeverry came to learn about Microserfin’s credit program for refugees that was organized in partnership with the Red Cross and UNHCR. The program provides opportunities for refugees to build credit and invest in their businesses.

Thanks to the program, Mr. Echeverry’s dreams of entrepreneurship are possible, and his business has grown and gained recognition through various social media networks.

His small business has also improved the quality of life for himself and his family. Prior to starting his business, he lived in a small room under poor conditions. Now, he and his family live in a better home with more space and have a better setting in which to make their products. His dream is to grow and give employment to others who need it.

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